Sea Glass Sweater
Hiya, With working and relocating from Florida back to Pennsylvania, I had nothing on my needles. I purposely wanted to re-knit my cable hat design and additional swatched for the TKGA Master Knitting Program While deciding whether to continue with the Master Knitting Program, I had nothing on my needles. While attending a local knitting group, I had nothing for show-n-tell; therefore, I decided to knit the Sea Glass Sweater , by Just One More Row, which has been on my knitting list for several years and has an interesting construction. The pattern used two-handpainted yarns which were blended with the body being knitted sideways with short-row flares at each side. The triangular yokes are knitted with bias sleeves knitted from the bottom-up. I started knitting it with Pantino yarn. After completing the front, I frogged it because the fabric did not drape well enough even-though it will grow in length while wearing. Recently...