Guild Scarf
Hiya, Recently, I joined the Liberty Bell Knitting Guild in Philadelphia, PA. This guild was founded in 1987 after several Philadelphia area knitters met at a knitting convention in the Washington DC area. They didn't know each other until meeting there and decided that when they returned home they would continue to meet and knit. This is a diverse group of crafters who have been meeting ever since. The guild meets once a month. For those who are not able to attend this gathering, the guild also meets four times a year on a Saturday. The Guild promotes and fosters our interest in knitting , it provides an opportunity to study and sharing, to broaden one's skills, and to encourage high standards of design and technique in various forms of knitting . In addition to traveling together to knitting events in the area, guild members have the opportunity to support our local fiber companies and dyers with special workshops, etc. as...