
Showing posts from October, 2019

Guild Scarf

Hiya, Recently, I joined the Liberty Bell Knitting Guild in Philadelphia, PA. This guild was founded in 1987 after several Philadelphia area knitters met at a knitting convention in the Washington DC area.  They didn't know each other until meeting there and decided that when they returned home they would continue to meet and knit.   This is a diverse group of crafters who have been meeting ever since. The guild meets once a month.  For those who are not able to attend this gathering, the guild also meets four times a year on a Saturday.  The Guild promotes and fosters our interest in knitting , it provides an opportunity to study and sharing,  to broaden one's skills, and to encourage high standards of design and technique in various forms of knitting .   In addition to traveling together to knitting events in the area, guild members have the opportunity to support our local fiber companies and dyers with special workshops, etc. as...

34th Annual Knitter's Day Out

Hiya Everyone, I had become aware of Knitters' Day Out just a couple of years ago.  A knitting friend asked if I would like to join her for classes since she wasn't able to get to Vogue Knitting that year.  I happily joined her and we drove the two (2) hours.  I remember taking a class with Lily Chin on learning her foundational techniques for designing cables.   The event is held at Penn College in Summerdale, Pennsylvania for two days - Friday and Saturday.  The committee utilizes numerous campus buildings for our classes and marketplace.  This year, 2019, I attended the Marketplace on Saturday, September 28th with The Liberty Bell Knitting Guild.  There were TWENTY-NINE vendors to address our knitting needs; yarns, needles, and accessories.   Note:  The G uild meets at 7:00 pm, second Monday of the month. Cathedral Village, 600 E. Cathedral Rd., Philadelphia.  For more information, contact Since ...

Brioche Scarf

Hiya,   Some time ago, I purchased the Craftys (BluePrint) class on brioche with Nancy Merchant called " Brioche Knitting Class: Explore Color and Texture. " In this class, students create a Checkerboard Keyhole Scarf by utilizing the brioche and garter stitches. What I really like about this class is that Nancy demonstrates how to reach a simple brioche chart.   When I started knitting, charts were not as prominent as they are today; therefore, I have always found charts challenging to knit from even when it is the most efficient. It actually takes me longer to follow a chart than to read written instructions. For my original design, I am using Lomp & Lamp; Threads yarn that I purchased from Michael's Craft Store.  I thought for this project I would use inexpensive yarn that could be inexpensive and easily care for; i.e., machine washable. In addition, I made the length longer than the version pictured above. Enjoy Knitting Each Day! Jackie...