Hiya, I have finally finished the Craftsy's Tealeaf Sweater by Bristol Ivy. The construction of the sweater is unique - which is what you can expect from Bristol. It is intended to be worn with approximately 13 1⁄2” positive ease. This enable the garment to be loose-fitting and drapey; however, the sleeves are knitted to fit snuggly around the arms. Knitting this sweater was pretty easy. The lace pattern was simple to remember; however, knitting the saddle shoulders with the front and back pieces was a little tricky; i.e., live stitches on front, back and the saddle stitches. It is a little too big. I have found this to be true for another of knitters; nevertheless, the results are WONDERFUL!!! I will definitely make another one - I will try the smaller size!!. Enjoy Knitting Each Day! Jackie PS: I will post a picture with me wearing my lovely sweater soon.