Elena's Third Sweater


As I mentioned in my previous blog, I am knitting for Elena.  Request for sweaters was made by my daughter; therefore, I went on a hunt for simple patterns.

I found Baby Picchu, free pattern on Ravelry (https://www.ravelry.com/patterns/library/baby-picchu).  Cute isn't it.

I decided to use yarn from my stash to create something new and exciting.

I have a complete skein of Madelin Tash - Demin which is lovely to work with.  I decided to pair this up with left over skeins of white, green, black and fuchsia.

I started with the sleeves.  I added color to the sleeves in simple stripes.  I varied the width of the strips for effect.

I then moved on to the back and two fronts.  The pattern called for knitting each of these sections separately.  Each section begins with the Tosh and proceeds with white.  Again, I deviate from  the pattern:  I knitted the bands for the back and fronts after joining at the shoulder.   I wanted all 5-colors to appear so that it will tie into the sleeves.

I actually think it turned out pretty good.  The added Demin-looking button ties  it all together.  What do you think?


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